Why you should still send personalised Christmas cards to your clients

Although many of us find writing Christmas greeting cards a chore, most of us still admit to a little thrill of pleasure when we receive them. Business clients aren’t any different. Taking the effort to send clients a physical and personalised Christmas card, as opposed to an irritating online e-card (or even worse, nothing at […]


Flyer design: avoid these classic mistakes

Flyers are a great marketing tool for attracting attention to your products or a particular event. To get the right kind of impact from your flyer, however, pay attention to how it looks. Here are some of the most common flyer design mistakes to avoid. Packing in too much information You’ve only got limited space […]


Poster design: Our top tips for great posters

All posters are created with the aim of making people aware of something, whether it’s the services offered by your business or an event you’re running. But there’s a fine line between a poster that makes people stop and pay attention and one that is so complicated it gives people a headache if they look […]


5 top tips for designing a great flyer

Even with so much emphasis on digital marketing, flyers can still be a highly effective way to get your name out there. But when you’re spending money on any kind of marketing activity, you need to get as much ‘bang for your buck’ as possible. Your flyer design has got to be eye-catching and memorable […]