Canvas printing is a wonderful way to keep treasured moments as fresh as the day they happened; an ever-present reminder of the special people, happy occasions and memorable places in our own lives and those of our loved ones; and a beautifully printed and stylishly framed canvas print not only makes a lasting memory, it also creates a striking focal point in any room.

Canvas prints make wonderful gifts for family and friends, as well as offering endless possibilities for bringing a touch of creative style to the home.

Wedding days, children’s birthday parties, exotic holidays, faithful pets: there are many special people and occasions in all our lives which deserve to be remembered forever, rather than stored on a computer hard drive and forgotten about. And it really couldn’t be easier – all you have to do is send us the digital photo you wish to have your canvas prints made from, let us know the sizes and quantities you require, and leave the rest to us here at Instaprint printers in Nottingham!

And yet the possibilities of canvas printing stretch far beyond turning family snaps into special mementos. With just a little creativity and experimentation, you can easily produce your own original artwork which will make stunning canvas prints to rival anything in even the most chic and exclusive of art galleries.

It’s easy to spend a great deal of money on an artistic, elegant, or funky canvas print; yet all you’ve really bought is the same thing that’s hanging in thousands of other homes too. Whereas when you make your own image into a canvas print, the result is a completely one-off ‘original’.

You can create your own unique work of art from a standard photo which you love, or you can get a little creative with both the composition and the editing technology:

  • Turn a landscape photo into a serene ‘watercolour’ with simple photo editing software, or make a pencil sketch version of a much-loved scene.
  • Take your own abstract images of just about anything which catches your eye, and give them funky pop-art styling with special digital effects.
  • Use photos of textures like stone, water, or moss to dramatically enhance particular room themes and colour schemes throughout your home.

It’s easy to create all manner of amazing imagery with software which these days comes as standard on PCs, laptops, tablets and even smartphones, so the possibilities for canvas printing really are only limited by the imagination; and you can have lots of fun experimenting with creative ideas which make unique decorations for your own home, as well as brilliant gifts for friends and family. And of course the gift of a unique canvas print means so much more when the recipient knows you’ve made it especially for them.

Instaprintscanvas prints use special eco-friendly light-fast inks, so they won’t fade in sunlight, and are stretched onto quality pine frames complete with hanging hooks to provide a superb professional finish to showcase your work.

To order your canvas prints, either call us on 0115 895 0133 or click onto our website here.