When you’re planning an event, or perhaps a promotion of some kind, for your business, one of the major things to consider is to how to actually make people aware of it! A popular option for businesses is to have a campaign using advertising posters to bring it to people’s attention. Cheap poster printing can be a cost-effective vehicle to get your message across. In order to get the best results, then you have to create a poster that will be eye-catching and grab people’s attention.

Here are some things to consider when creating your advertising poster:

Include clear and concise information

Ensure you present your information in a clear and concise manner.  Do not try to include too much detail – you need the poster to attract attention and pique interest in people to enquire further. Too much detail on a poster will make it too difficult for people to read at a glance. Stick to the important, salient details only.

Add only essential details

Include only the essential details in the poster – these should support the poster’s main message. Use smaller lettering than the poster’s main message and try to ‘bullet point’ the supporting statements. Consider, also, the spacing of the words – ensure it’s easy to read!

Don’t forget a call to action

Include details of what the potential customers, or attendees, should do next. This ‘call to action’ may be buying a ticket, making a reservation or some such action.

Consider the poster layout

Lay out your poster in such a manner that a natural ‘hierarchy’ is established – a definitive heading, followed by sub-heading and then the main body text.

Make sure the poster design stands out

It’s likely that your poster may be displayed amongst other notices, so you’ll be competing for attention – therefore, it’s important that your poster stands out. People’s attention span is often limited so, a well laid-out design will give your poster the best chance of being the one that gets read.

Powerful imagery gets noticed

One of the most effective ways to gain attention for your advertising poster is the use of powerful visuals. If using photographs, pick one that will maximise your space and that complements your text rather than distracts from it.

A combination of your knowledge, creativity, and these guidelines, should enable you to produce a poster that will gain people’s attention, engage with them, and encourage them to take advantage of whatever your poster is promoting.


We have been supplying a large and ever-growing range of high quality print products since the 1970’s. We supply business stationery, promotional products, printed NCR, signs, display boards, canvas prints, booklets, leaflets, flyers, labels, stickers, banners, posters, calendars, envelopes, postcards – you name it we probably do it. And if we haven’t before we’ll see if we can help you out.

To make life even easier for you, you can select from one of our many templates, upload your own artwork, or even ask our own brilliant in-house design team to create your artwork for you.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our products, our excellent customer service, and the value for money that we provide.